Julesburg Recharge Project:

The Julesburg Recharge Project originated in 1989 and has been in operation since 1990. This project provides for the augmentation of 78 wells under an augmentation plan owned and operated by the LSPWCD Water Activities Enterprise. The original recharge facility was created as a recharge demonstration project in joint venture with the Colorado Division of Water Resources and has proven to be a successful recharge project. The original 26 acre recharge facility and other privately owned recharge facilities divert river water into recharge ponds when physically and legally available. Recharge water then percolates back to the river which helps junior well appropriators satisfy their out of priority depletions to the South Platte River. In 1993 the Julesburg Recharge Project was set up to be operated by a Water Activities Enterprise under LSPWCD. The participating well users benefiting from these augmentation efforts pay for all operational and administrative costs associated with the recharge project and well augmentation. LSPWCD obtained a permanent Court approved augmentation plan in April of 2007. In 2008, LSPWCD also added nine wells and has developed a new recharge project for augmentation called the Heyborne Recharge and Wildlife Project as part of the Julesburg Recharge Project. LSPWCD filed for an amendment to the augmentation plan to add the new wells and the new recharge project as part of the augmentation plan and was granted the new decree in 2014. Another amendment to LSPWCD’s augmentation plan was filed in 2021 to add one new well and a recharge and wildlife project near Julesburg. The 2021 amendment is currently pending in water court. LSPWCD continues to manage the operations, maintenance and administration of the project and to provide water and financial accounting for the project and is financially compensated for these services. All of the foundational documents (decrees, agreements, allotment contracts, etc) for the Julesburg Recharge Project are held at the LSPWCD office.