District 64 Reservoir Company

LSPWCD coordinated with local water users in 2006 to establish the District 64 Reservoir Company (District 64) as a new mutual ditch and reservoir company with 75 original shareholders. District 64 purchased the land, water rights and engineering for the proposed Ovid Reservoir from the Groundwater Appropriators of the South Platte (GASP). LSPWCD has contracted with District 64 to manage and administer the operations of District 64 and is financially compensated for these services. A Comprehensive Feasibility Study was finalized in December of 2011 with Colorado Water Conservation Board funds secured by District 64 as applied for and managed by LSPWCD. District 64 continues to pursue the development of Ovid Reservoir for local beneficial use through coordination with regional partners. In order to further advance the development of Ovid Reservoir, LSPWCD assisted District 64 to secure a conveyance agreement with the Peterson Ditch Company and the Julesburg Irrigation District to use the Peterson Ditch to divert and convey water to fill the proposed Ovid Reservoir. As a term of this conveyance agreement, District 64 financially contributed to the rehabilitated Peterson Ditch diversion structure to enhance water deliveries through the Peterson Ditch. LSPWCD continues to provide management and administrative support to District 64 with the hope of advancing the development of the Ovid Reservoir for beneficial use of water within the District. A copy of the 2011 Comprehensive Feasibility Study, water rights decree, preliminary engineering and other District 64 documents are available at the LSPWCD office.